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side effects

2003-02-12 - 11:30 p.m.

Well, my toy-PDA saga continues, but hopefully this is the final chapter. I'm supposed to return the one that got sent to me without a battery for a refund, so I ordered a new one through Amazon. I have to wait another weekend, as it looks like it won't be delivered until early next week. But maybe it will give me a chance to clean up my room!. Amazon's home page, funnily enough contained this:

It's even more ironic when you consider that "I Want That" is a book about consumerism.

Day 1 of triple therapy didn't go as well as I hoped; I'm getting this nasty side effect of headache and nausea, and generally feeling week, shortly after I take my super-dose of antibiotics. I'm hoping that my body gets used to it after a while. Fortunately, it only lasts 10-20 minutes, and aftewards I feel mostly fine. Though I still felt a little beat for most of the day. Well, 13 days to go. Damned Helicobacter!

Now reading: Crashing the Party, by Ralph Nader. I'm still debating whether I believe his cause, though my fortunes today said that I am a principled man, and that I should "Never settle," which seems to imply I should support his position.

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sense of community - 2003-02-25