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expensive toys

2002-11-06 - 10:14 p.m.

Well, the camera has been ordered. Turns out that almost all the online places that are advertising a super-cheap price for it are running scams. I'm just amazed -- they don't tell you you're getting a grey market camera, they pressure you to order accessories, and if you don't, they hold your order for weeks and weeks until you cancel. Scum!

I guess I'm running a scam of my own, though. My office mate has a credit card that will pricematch online purchases to the lowest advertised price. So he just orders from a reputable source and then gets the price difference from one of these scam joints refunded by his company. You'll bet that they're not offering that card anymore! But his still works, and he offered to use it for us. Wonderful!

I spent more money on repairing my bike. I think shortly I will have spent the new price of the bike in repairs. I got a new front crankset installed, after mine was bent, costing about $90. But the new one is nice -- the guy said I would notice it going up the hill to my work, and he was totally right! The new sprockets have a few more teeth on them then my old ones, yet I'm pretty comfortably using the same gears. Just goes to show how much energy is wasted by the chain transmission.

Now reading: Culture of Fear

[T]he author of an op-ed piece in the Minneapolis Star Tribune [...] argued that ``abortion on demand has a polluting effect, which is at least partially responsible for the dramatic rise in child abuse and neglect."

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