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you may call me master

2002-11-01 - 11:58 p.m.

In my office right now is sitting a piece of paper (which narrowly escaped having chocolate chip stains on it) with two signatures on it... so nothing more stands in the path of my getting a Master's degree. It feels kind of anticlimactic, but on the other hand, I haven't gotten any degrees for the past (gasp!) 4 years now, so it will be nice to have something to show for all that time. Of course, it would be even nicer to have a Ph.D. but all in good time... I'm actually making progress on my research; uncertain if it will lead to a doctoral thesis, but progress is always good.

I went book shopping yesterday, and came out of the book store with:

I guess I'm not succeeding in my attempt to read a diverse section of books, eh? But I'm pretty excited about the first one of the three; I started reading it and have already found two really good quotes. Perhaps I'll try to read another book in between. I'm searching for a good biology text, actually.

Today made me realize just how much nicer it is to get a full night's sleep. My gf came stayed over last night, and she had to get up at 6 to drive back into the city. I went back to sleep, of course, but even after sleeping a couple more hours, I felt half awake the entire day. I think I will really miss this lifestyle, where I get up with my body clock, and not my alarm, pretty much every day. Speaking of body clocks, mine is calling me to bed...

Now reading: The Culture of Fear, by Barry Glassner.

In the United States, where private citizens own a quater-billion guns, around 15,000 people are killed 18,000 commit suicide, and another 1,500 die accidentally from firearms. American children are twelve times more liked [sic] to die from gun injuries than are youngsters in other industrialized nations.
"When you go to Canada, they ask you, `Do you have any guns in your car,' because you have to check them at the border. If you're coming from Canada to this country, they ask you if you have any fruit."

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