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black coffee's not enough for me

2002-10-03 - 12:33 a.m.

It's not fair... I was so tired I couldn't think during the day, and now that it's night, I'm awake. I woke up a little after 9 this morning, feeling like I needed more sleep. But I looked at the time and decided that it was probably my caffeine withdrawal talking.

But I was wrong -- after a large cup of coffee, the gears were still churning pretty slowly inside my head. I had trouble paying attention during the meeting with my advisor; really, I just wanted to skip it. Shortly thereafter, I decided I should just give up and go home. I should have stayed in bed...

"More than 13% of black men (some 1.4 million nation-wide) are disenfranchised for many years, sometimes for life, a result of felony convictions, many for passing the same drugs that Al Gore smoked and George W. snorted in years gone by," U. of New Mexico Law Professor Tim Canova

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sense of community - 2003-02-25